Feb 1, 2010

Menu Plan Monday - Feb 1, '10

Holy cow, it's FEBRUARY???? Well I suppose I should be thankful, after all every day is one day closer to spring :)

Last week, menu posting was a total FAIL. Too busy, too scattered, and too everything! I still managed to eat from the pantry, so we did ok but I was definitely scrambling every morning to figure out what I'd make for dinner.

I know the Pantry challenge is over, but I realized that I usually do that anyway - use what I can from the pantry and spend my money on things for the stockpile. Since I ALWAYS have frozen meats, cheese, frozen veggies, baking supplies and seasonings on hand, I rarely just shop for the recipes I'm making each week - even when I look up new recipes, I try to choose dishes that use a lot of what I have on hand. It's what works for me!

This week is no different, except that we really don't have anything unusual planned so I'm cooking just about every night. I *do* plan on cooking Once a Month Mom's February menu at the end of the month, so using pantry items will be more crucial to keep the budget from blowing up! But not only did she put up a GREAT menu, but it's their 1 year Blogoversary, complete with contests - check it out!

Here's what's on our menu this week, don't forget to visit I'm an Organizing Junkie for tons more menus and recipes!

monday - Stovetop Mac & Cheese with added broccoli ($4.48 for 4-6 servings)

tuesday - Leftovers (Free!)

wednesday - Chicken veggie stirfry with rice (using leftover chicken marinated in Asian Sesame dressing) ($1.60 for 4 servings)

thursday - Beef Stew, freezer rolls ($7.20 for 8-10 servings)

friday - Leftovers - Free!

saturday - Mexican Pizza Braid ($5.29 for 6-8 servings)

sunday - Dinner at the in-law's! (free)

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