Aug 10, 2009

Menu (un)planning - day 1

Day 1 of menu improvisation...I can say for sure that I can't wait to get back to regular menu planning, this takes way too much thought!

Tonight, hubby was craving spicy stuff (and just maybe trying to induce labor), so I hit the pantry. Found two split and one boneless chicken breast in the upstairs freezer that were long forgotten, a green pepper and some salsa that needed to get used from the fridge. Pulled an onion, tortillas, cheese and the fajita seasoning out of the pantry, and VOILA! Chicken fajita night!

I actually boiled the chicken and ended up with 4 cups of shredded meat plus broth...we used half the meat for the fajitas. I think we'll use the other half for a BBQ dish later this week. Total cost of tonight's meal: appx $4.25 with only stuff on hand!

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momstheword said...

Congrats on your baby! How exciting. Loved your menu improv. My hubby loves fajitas too!

Theta Mom said...

Congrats on the baby news! Just found your blog through Entrecard, it's great! :)
