Aug 20, 2009

Menu Plan Monday Aug 17, 09 - the Epic Fail edition

Yes, I know - it's THURSDAY...I have a good excuse! (Said excuse is currently asleep on my shoulder looking thoroughly angelic...)

I am SO glad that I took the time to stock up freezer meals before the baby came! You forget how tough the first few weeks are, and having one less thing to worry about makes a huge difference. But I do need to get back in the saddle and plan my daily meals instead of standing over the freezer the night before (who am I kidding...maybe by noon that day..) and shopping for something to thaw out.

Here's what I've done this week and what we'll attempt to stick to for the rest of the week - make sure you visit I'm an Organizing Junkie for hundreds of other menus from folks who actually planned ahead ;)

monday - Spaghetti Pie - OAMC ($7.78 for 6 servings)

tuesday - Meatball subs - OAMC ($5.20 for 4 servings)

wednesday - kidnapped by my in-laws for baby visiting!

thursday - Chicken Bombay, couscous, broccoli - OAMC ($9.15 for 6-8 servings)

friday - leftover Cabbage Roll Casserole from the freezer - free!

saturday - Clean Out Fridge Night - free!

sunday - dinner with family - free!

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Unknown said...

Looks great!

Unknown said...

Thanks for posting. I hope you will join me this week for Crock Pot Wednesday. Mister Linky will be up and ready for you on Tuesday. Thanks again
